
Sunday 20 November 2016

Let's learn the waiata He Honore!

Learning Intention: We are learning Te Reo Maori.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use Blabberize to record the waiata: He Honore.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Mmm, that's delicious!

On Saturday the 12th of November, my family and I went to my uncle's house because he asked us to go over to his house   so that the gentlemen could have their meeting about my uncle's grave. We went to my uncle's house in my dad's van.

As soon as we arrived, we all hopped out of the car and went inside to see who was there because there weren't any cars outside. When we got to the front door, it was only my two uncles that were inside laughing. My sisters asked my uncle, "Where are the rest of the family?" He answered, "They've gone to the hospital because Mele has just given birth to a little girl." We thought that my uncle was lying to us but he wasn't. We were  all very shocked.

Later on, my other uncles came  over with their wives and their children. I was really happy because my uncles brought my cousins over which meant that we we could play volleyball. When we went to the front of the house to play volleyball, my male cousins went to the deck to cook the food on the BBQ. I was a little bit disappointed at my cousins because they didn't let me hit the ball. We played and played until the sky became dark.

After a while, three of my male cousins came and called us to go inside because it time for us to have some food.  We rushed inside because we were all so hungry. After we went inside, we all grabbed a plate and scooped our favourite food onto our plates. On my plate I had, a sausage, three small chicken  drumsticks and one small piece of hot casava. Together, my cousins and I said  food grace before we had eaten our food.

Afterwards we went outside again to play volleyball because the adults continued their meeting. My uncle was telling my other uncles that the grave has now gone up to $500 because we haven't paid for it in the last couple months. We were happy to go back outside and play so we could see who would win. Mele, my cousin was shouting, "Our team is going to win!"

Before long, it was time for us to go because it was time for my uncle to go back to the hospital for his rehabilitation, so I shouted out loudly to my family, "Bye, bye I will see you tomorrow!" They also said bye to me as well. We all waited until my uncle left the house so we could leave after him.

I was very tired after that game of Volleyball! I hope my team can win next time.

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and use language features in our recount.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use past tense verbs to describe the weekend that I had with my family before my uncle went back to the hospital.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Let's learn the Tigeress routine!

Learning Intention: We are developing our fitness through Physical Education.
 Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use WeVideo to record all the steps of the Tigeress routine that I have learnt from our second Kung Fu lesson.                                                     

Saturday 12 November 2016

Don't shoot the bird!

Learning Intention: We are learning to identify the main ideas from a story.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I illustrate the main ideas of the story 'Horeta and the waka'.

Friday 11 November 2016

Sandra's shoe is red!

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that apostrophe is used to show possession. An apostrophe is added with the letter 's'.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The fat, sweet apple!

Learning Intention: We are developing our understanding of the English grammar,
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that commas are used to separate two or more adjectives.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Get well soon aunty!

Image result for get well soonAfter church on Sunday the 30th of October, most of my uncles, aunties, cousins, sisters, nephews, mum, dad and I went to the Auckland Hospital because my aunty was in hospital. We all went to the hospital in our vans and cars that belonged to my uncle, dad or my cousin. All of my cousins and I were really excited to see Malieta because we don't really like staying at home because it feels weird without her.

As soon as my dad parked the car at the drop off area, my mum was the first one to get out to go in the elevator while the rest of us had to wait for my dad because he went away and parked the car.  I was excited to go but I was scared to go by myself just in case someone comes and takes me away. After my dad parked  the van, we all went to the elevator so we could go up to level seven. Then we got to level seven and we all went  up to Malieta to give her a kiss  on the cheek. After that, my sister and I left to go to  the whanau room because it was a bit crowded in Malieta's  room.

After a while, my cousins arrived with my uncle. I was really excited to see them because my sisters and I were feeling a bit lonely in the whanau room . When we were waiting for other to arrive, w munched on  some chips that my mum had brought for us. My cousins and I were sitting next to the vending machine because the television didn't work in the whanau room. We were all shocked when my cousin told us that my aunty was going to die but my uncle tapped her chest and she started to breathe again. I was about to cry with the others because it would be very sad for everyone if she did pass away.

Soon we saw my uncle and Aunty walking pass us and we all said, "Hi aunty and uncle." We also kept sitting next to the vending machine until my cousin that we should go live on her phone so we could talk to my cousin who was also online because it was very boring. While they were chatting, I went to check on my Aunty incase she needed something. She didn't need anything because she was busy talking to my uncles and aunties.

A while later,  it was time for us to go because it was nearly night time. The nurse came and told us that it time for my aunty to get some sleep because she has dialysis the next morning. My aunty didn't want to sleep because she was happily talking and laughing about the good news with my aunties and uncles. We all gave a kiss to my aunty and said, "Goodbye, we will see you tomorrow after school."

It was a good day visiting my aunty because my aunty  was happy and excited to see her big family.

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and use language features in a recount.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use past tense verbs to describe the weekend that I had with my family going to the hospital to see my aunty.

Sunday 6 November 2016

What is the number that is 9 tens, 2 ones and 5 tenths?

Learning Intention: We are developing our understanding of decimals.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that a decimal contains a decimal point and it is based on the number 10.

Thursday 3 November 2016

That belongs to me!

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of punctuation.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that apostrophe is used to show possession.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

If you don't know the Kung Fu Panda routine, watch this!

                    Learning Intention: We are l developing our fitness levels through Physical Education.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use WeVideo to record all the steps of the Kung Fu panda routine that I have learnt from our Kung Fu lesson.