
Tuesday 15 May 2018

The Cupboards Are Empty?

"Our cupboards are devoid of food" said Mum."We must go to the mega grocery store".

We got into the car and drove to the mall. The car park was frentic so it took us a long time to find a parking space.

"Mum, I'm ravenous " sait my sister, "can we purchase something to eat now?"

"No" said Mum. "We will do a perfunctory shop and then go home where I will assemble a healthy dinner for you".

"Oh Mum", we moaned, "can't we just get takeaways?"

"Stop quibbling" said Mum. "We are taking nouristments at home tonight".

We went into the supermarket. It was hectic. There were people everywhere and all the trolleys were being used.

Mum ransacked her bag, looking for her list.

"I have neglected to bring her list", she sighed. "I surrender. We will try to shop again tomorrow".

We retreated to the car park and climbed into the car. On the way home we brought some seafood immersed in the batter and some deep fried potato wedges.

Repositioned words:
Searched - ransacked
Forgotten - neglected
Make - assemble
Eating - taking nourishments
Supermarket - mega grocery store
Busy - hectic
Give up - surrender
Quick - perfunctory
Busy - frenetic
Arguing - quibbling
Covered - immersed
Hungry - ravenous
Went Back - retreated
Empty of - devoid
Buy - Purchase

Learning Intention : Use clues within text to understand unfamiliar words

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